01848 331 939 | 07801 868 688

Stump Grinding & Removals

Richard Gauld, Tree Specialist provides a stump grinding service and can remove the smallest to the largest stumps, even in the most difficult location.

Tree stumps are unattractive, and can be difficult to remove or mow around in a lawn. Although they can provide nature habitats for many insects, they can also harbor fungi or other wood rotting organisms which may be harmful to other trees in the vicinity.

Traditionally tree stumps were removed by JCB type diggers, if they could gain site access they would not only leave a very large hole to enable their removal of the stump, they would often leave muddy tracks and rips across your lawn. The stump then requires disposal, which can add further costs.

Using our stump grinders of different capacities is fast, clean and very efficient and can either be carried out to a depth of 300mm below ground level, or completely removed. The location can then be back-filled with top soil to allow replacement of tree or turf or harder landscapes. The grindings can also be left in situ to rot down and balance the growing medium.


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Tree Care

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Stump Grinding & Removals

Stump Grinding & Removals

Richard Gauld, Tree Specialist provides a stump grinding service and can remove the smallest to the largest stumps, even in the most difficult location.
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Hedge Management

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Waste Material Recycling

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