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Veteran Tree Care

Veteran and ancient trees, mostly many hundreds of years old, deserve particular care and attention to prolong their life in our landscapes.

These trees should not be managed as with conventional trees, and it is essential that the land and trees around them are properly cared for. After identification of a veteran or ancient tree sometimes the best approach is to do nothing, as long as the potential for damage to property etc. is minimal. In particular their root structures and weight of branches require attention in order to prevent dropping branches or complete tree failure.

Veteran and ancient trees also provide important nature habitats.

Richard Gauld, Tree Specialist have attended training purely in respect of veteran tree care and is ideally placed to give advice on their care and maintenance.


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Veteran Tree Care

Veteran Tree Care

Veteran and ancient trees, mostly many hundreds of years old, deserve particular care and attention to prolong their life in our landscapes.
Waste Material Recycling

Waste Material Recycling

Our aim is to recycle at least 90% of arisings from our work. It is our policy that before commencement of any work, and normally at the time of quotation we discuss the impact of waste materials.
Stump Grinding & Removals

Stump Grinding & Removals

Richard Gauld, Tree Specialist provides a stump grinding service and can remove the smallest to the largest stumps, even in the most difficult location.
Hedge Management

Hedge Management

Hedges are more than just a line of shrubs. Many contain a variety of tree and shrub species. Hedges also provide significant habitat for our wildlife and this should be taken into account when maintaining them.
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