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Tree Surveys to BS 5837:2012 for Planning Applications

Tree Surveys to BS 5837:2012 for Planning Applications

Richard Gauld’s invaluable experience as a local authority Tree Officer within a Planning Department and currently as a consultant, can help you when liaising with local authorities for authorisation to build.
Tree Care

Tree Care

Any structural works carried out to trees, including crown reduction, crown thinning, crown lifting, pruning, coppicing or pollarding are an important part of any trees growth. Helping them to live longer with better shape and form.
Fruit Tree Pruning

Fruit Tree Pruning

Fruit trees are planted to enjoy their produce, but unfortunately in many cases they do not get the care and attention they need to keep on producing fruit for you to enjoy for many years.

Tree Safety Inspections & Health Diagnosis

Your trees deserve and require as much care and attention as the rest of your garden and property. Trees should be health and safety inspected at least once per year, or after particularly stormy and windy weather.
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