01848 331 939 | 07801 868 688



Hedge Management

Hedge Management

Hedges are more than just a line of shrubs. Many contain a variety of tree and shrub species. Hedges also provide significant habitat for our wildlife and this should be taken into account when maintaining them.
Waste Material Recycling

Waste Material Recycling

Our aim is to recycle at least 90% of arisings from our work. It is our policy that before commencement of any work, and normally at the time of quotation we discuss the impact of waste materials.
Tree Management Plans & Ecological Surveys

Tree Management Plans & Ecological Surveys

Richard Gauld, Tree Specialist has worked closely with a number of trusts, housing associations and private householders to develop targeted management plans to help take control of the trees on your property or around your business.
Tree Care

Tree Care

Any structural works carried out to trees, including crown reduction, crown thinning, crown lifting, pruning, coppicing or pollarding are an important part of any trees growth. Helping them to live longer with better shape and form.
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