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Veteran Tree Care

Veteran Tree Care

Veteran and ancient trees, mostly many hundreds of years old, deserve particular care and attention to prolong their life in our landscapes.
Hedge Management

Hedge Management

Hedges are more than just a line of shrubs. Many contain a variety of tree and shrub species. Hedges also provide significant habitat for our wildlife and this should be taken into account when maintaining them.
Stump Grinding & Removals

Stump Grinding & Removals

Richard Gauld, Tree Specialist provides a stump grinding service and can remove the smallest to the largest stumps, even in the most difficult location.
Tree Care

Tree Care

Any structural works carried out to trees, including crown reduction, crown thinning, crown lifting, pruning, coppicing or pollarding are an important part of any trees growth. Helping them to live longer with better shape and form.
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